Club D3

Branding, Motion Graphics, Website Design

Who knew there were hundreds of thousands of adults worldwide who LOVE Disneyland? Come to find out these folks also love a good party and of course their preferred venue is “The Happiest Place On Earth”. They’ve been gathering for years under the name Disney Day Drinkers Club, or Club D3, and when they needed to update their identity I was happy to oblige. Their original logo was an homage to a logo for an exclusive club called Club 33 established decades ago providing private memberships with a variety of tailored experiences to its members. But as Club D3 grew in membership and notoriety they needed a new identity that not only didn’t infringe on the old one, but still represented the spirit of the identity the club members had grown to love.

D3 Royal

D3 Navy

D3 Gold

D3 Sky